Do workers invoked by service binding get a fresh 30 seconds?

This has crept up in various discussions but I don't believe there's been a definitive answer from CF staff on this and the docs seem (at least to me) unclear on the point. If worker A (triggered over HTTP) invokes worker B via a service binding and waitUntil(), must worker B fulfill its job within the original 30 seconds afforded to worker A, or does it get its own, fresh 30 seconds? In other words, which of these is correct, if worker A invokes worker B after 20 seconds? 1. Worker B has 10 seconds remaining to do what it needs (the whole operation is subject to worker A's 30 seconds) 2. Worker B has 30 seconds remaining to do what it needs (the whole operation takes 50 seconds)
2 Replies
Hard@Work4w ago
It gets a separate 30 seconds of CPU Time
MityaOP4w ago

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