Is there a preferred way to simulate

Is there a preferred way to simulate queues locally with the remote flag? Sort of like the __schedule query string arg for testing CRON schedules locally.
3 Replies
Pranshu Maheshwari
not at the moment unfortunately. one option is to deploy to a staging environment. It's not as convenient as local development, but realistically if you're building an event driven system across several services, local dev is hard!
Stefan Stührmann
@Pranshu Maheshwari, as I stated before I'm pretty far with extending miniflare to be able to allow local dev. Would you be willing to review my change during the next couple of weeks when I have all the tests ready and last edge cases resolved?
MityaOP4w ago
If it's easy to do, sure - just DM me when you're ready. Are you doing this in an official or unofficial capacity? OK thanks, and agreed, staging is probably the best/only way.

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