Too many places to set resolutions
Ok wizards, need a sanity check to make sure I’m setting things up right.
I’m running BazziteOS on my main streaming PC (the one running Sunshine), and I’m trying to stream games at 1080p only, 60 FPS, to my Steam Deck’s LCD screen or docked outputting to my 1080p TV
AFAIK, I have to set resolutions in the following places:
Sunshine host PC’s monitor resolution on desktop (I’m using an HDMI dummy plug that can go all the way up to 4K)
Moonlight client’s“non-steam game” properties > General section on Steam Deck’s game mode interface
Moonlight’s OWN settings once you launch the app and before you connect to the sunshine host
BazziteOS’s gaming mode “Steam deck-like” GUI’s Display (Gamescope 28” Display Scaling) AND further down in Advanced > Maximum Game Resolution
The specific game’s Properties setting > general > Game Resolution
THEN the resolution settings inside the streamed game itself…
I would love for someone to tell me which of these settings I can leave on default/native/specific value, or only set once, then which ones need to be set accordingly.
All I’m after is streaming at the best possible quality setting and knowing which specific resolution settings I have to swap if I’m switching between docked to my 16:9 TV or the Steam deck’s own LCD panel
2 Replies
the per game setting for resolution in its properties overrides what you have set in steams display settings (and this is what decides the render resolution for sunshine)
note: gamemode itself will always use whatever is native (or biggest supported. forgot which it prioritizes)
moonlight resolution is what you want the final resolution be on the client and it will just scale the resolution to whatever you choose if its different from what bazzite is using. (sunshine decides which resolutions moonlight sees)
You set the host pc (where sunshine runs) lowest possible before quality gets noticably bad because thats the actual work being done by the gpu. You set the stream resolution to whatever works for your internet set up. Moonlight resolution should match your client device resolution or at least match aspect ratio.