
What did I do wrong
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13 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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W is weight, acceleration is (n-1)W/m=(n-1)g So here it becomes (2a/(n-1)g)^1/2
flower2mo ago
Dude this is Magnet or Achiever?
GamertugOP4w ago
flower4w ago
Got it Thanks
GamertugOP4w ago
I am having a hard time understanding this Okk wait I got it but still where does the n come from in numerator Ans is 3
idk either
idk either4w ago
question says "from rest to rest", so it is not constant acceleration motion throughout. first accelerates at max accln which you found and then at some point it will start decelerating so it can come to rest. so you have to find the time of both and add
GamertugOP4w ago
i realized that when i asked my teacher today but my teacher was not getting n in numerator she was getting n in denominator
idk either
idk either4w ago
what did she take as deceleration value?
GamertugOP4w ago
she let g be the deceleration since we can only pull rope from above
idk either
idk either4w ago
so v=gt' , where v is final velocity of accelerating phase and t' is time of decelerating phase v= (n-1)gt so t'=(n-1)t so t+t' = nt

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