mfadβ€’2mo ago

Dress advice needed

Hi guys I'm really stuck with my wardrobe my goto is just cargo's and a band t-shirt, and a pair of boots to go with it or a pair of black converse, and some jewelry. I would like help with expanding my wardrobe a bit. thanks for any advice i might get in advance 😁 I have tried with some flanell but then i pretty much look like every other guy im my town and i also feel like it makes me look like a dwarf scaled up to 6'. And something I've experimented with is high waisted pants which I really like. Sorry for gym pic but its pretty much the only time i dont wear loose fitting clothes where you can see any body shape
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8 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
do you have any pictures of people you think dress well/look good?
AxottOPβ€’2mo ago
And this is how i typically dress for almost all occasion, @Chopper i really like street wear where i got the Cargo from and during the warmer seasons i like to also wear a collage jacket
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AxottOPβ€’2mo ago
I also like this kind of style but i dont really fit in them
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mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
this isn't bleeding edge fashion and might not work for you, but worth reading as a starter : https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/building-a-basic-wardrobe-v70
Building A Basic Wardrobe v7.0
Version 7 of the classic MFA post
AxottOPβ€’2mo ago
I'll look in to it thanks 😁
lyonβ€’2mo ago
you may get some mileage out of zip hoodies as overshirts if flannel isn’t really your speed
lordofthethighs.β€’5w ago
If you like a tighter knit tucked into pants, try summer fabric trousers with a nice knit polo tucked in, it'll be a dressed up version of what you seem to already gravitate towards. Canvas slip ons, like white slip on vans, can usually bridge into this slightly less casual fit if you don't want to sink a lot $ into shoes too far outside your current comfort zone.
AxottOPβ€’4w ago
Hell yeah those shirts look awesome, I'll see tomorrow if i can find them in town, would love to try one on and see how they feel

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