unblock challenges.cloudflare.com
Hi !
I have recently started to have some trouble with some automated test I'm running on my website.
An error page is now showing up and preventing my test to load my website at all.
The error message says:
Please unblock challenges.cloudflare.com to proceed
What's the procedure to unblock this domain?5 Replies
I have a custom rule that should prevent it already.
The rule is a match on a header and with a skip action
You can view the rule that caused a block or challenge page to be presented at https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/security/events
thanks man
@Leo I can see that my custom rules actually capture traffic though, so I'm not sure why I still see the error message if it is skipped
the service seems to be
Bot fight mode
Bot Fight Mode cannot be skipped by WAF Rules or other "Bypass" actions.
Bot Fight Mode is a very aggressive solution that should only be enabled if you are actively under attack.
- Upgrade to a Paid plan and use Super Bot Fight Mode
- Disable Bot Fight Mode
haaa got it