Waves again

9 How does Potential Energy vary in a string sine wave?
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11 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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flowerOP2mo ago
TeXit2mo ago
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Opt2mo ago
Potential energy is 1/2 kx² na? Depends on displacement from mean
flowerOP2mo ago
Haa so it should be 4 right? BUT ITS 1
P.E. increases with increasing slope of shape of string because the elongation in string for a differential part will increase with increasing slope (or rather correct to say absolute value of slope).
_zbro2mo ago
@Phalawor P.E. ∝ (∂y/∂x)². Slope is highest at mean, I.e. point 'a.' that is for a single particle, I suppose. P.E. stored in a wave at a distance x has a different formula.
flowerOP2mo ago
YUS thanku +solved @SirLancelotDuLac
iTeachChem Helper
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