Bluetooth issues
Hi all, I have multiple issues with my TPLink bluetooth dongle. My first one is that it's not detected on boot. Unplugging and replugging it fixes the issue but it's quite annoying.
The main issue is definitely my xbox one controller keeps disconnecting randomly while in use. It reconnects pretty much instantly. I'm almost certain it's related to the device disabling itself and the not the actual controller, as I've never had issue on Win10. Thanks for the help.
3 Replies
I've had this with an xbox controller using both a BT adaptor and the mb built in BT... ended up just getting a usb xbox connect stick thing and that works (more or less, occasionally it needs pulling out and putting back in after power on) - sorry i dont have any better solution, but would be keen to hear if anyone else does 🙂
my mobo is a b550plus asus tuf, I don't think it has an onboard BT. I saw a few posts about conflicting bluetooth, but I don't think this is it
no sorry i wasnt clear, i dont have any conflicting issues, im just saying i tried both seperatly and got dodgy disconnects on an xbox controller - mouse/keyboard are both fine though. switching to a usb xbox connect thing has fixed it for me, but it isnt a great solution