A question outside of Valorant but possibly inside of games, I am just too angry sometimes.
Whenever I got upset I would choose to slap my forehead just once, the pain would have me concentrate on something else making me drop all the anger in an instant.
Instead my friends tell me that I shouldn't do it, apparently slapping myself even once makes myself look crazy.
Someone told me to breathe slowly but it seems a bit difficult to remember once I get upset, just making me breathe rapidly instead.
Does anyone know of any other methods to keep myself calm?
162 Replies
Icl ts pmo fr vro
And that would mean what?
@Jidat fax
Book an appointment with a therapist. They could help.
Sorry, those doesn't seem to act online yet.
There are online therapists
Have otherwise always been told that only crazy people go to those, that I am far from having the need to reach one of those.
normal people go to therapists too..
I am starting to feel like they are somewhat correct though, it seems more difficult for you to respond to a question than to me finding a therapist to be necessary.
therapists are not just to help mental ill people :shrug:
Therapists just help in general.
And this problem your having is like literally what a therapist is trained to help with.
Do tell me when these channels do as well.
vro this isnt a therapy server
I literally started seeing one again because I have a procrastination problem.
That's why I just have a question, not a Valorant issue.
I dont know what country/area you live in, nor will I ask. All I can do is recommend therapy.
a therapist should give you qualified answers, apart from googling "how to deal with anger issues"
Nor do I have any idea of how much one would cost.
Oh well, trying "Betterhelp,com now then.
@UnLuke27You how old are you?
I am 22 years old, you?
I finally jumped in there to see that OH HEY 60€ each week...
I am not paying some fool to drag a single question out to last two entire weeks...
then cope with your anger issues yourself :shrug: have fun ig
Do tell me when these channels are up and running again, thank you.
if you decide to join online therapy tho, consider doing it with betterhelp,com/franktedesco (10% off on the first month)
Well, I asked a question... Instead of answering the question as if it possibly could be any difficult to those who'd like to...
You just tell me that I have issues in need of a therapist.
How do you know :val_HUH:
Seeing as no one here "helps" in the "help channel" then do tell me when the helping channel is up and running.
99.9% of users on a valorant discord server are not qualified to help professionally with any issues like that, what did you expect?
This channel is for the game related* help
Not anger management 😭
piano youtuber i frequently watch, he is sponsored by them
I expected those who are incapable of responding to my question to simply stay quiet, ignore it after all.
I believe that many others can have issues with how people are acting in this game, sincerely I can't be the only one who has their own team trying to kill them, correct?
So therefor I just figured that people who might have experience with this situation would be capable of lending some info on what they do.
I actually am somewhat of a therapist myself :val_CAUGHT:
I studied physiology
So since when have u been having these anger issues
And what triggered them to begin with
Since joining my first competitive game of teams, where the rest of my own would kill me because of some hollow pointless imaginary reason such as my mother not liking me?
Mmhmm reasonable crashout
So u have anger issues cuz of people on competetive games
Have u ever tried ditching competetive games as a whole and shift to more relaxed story type games
And if u did, how did that go
And if u didn't, then why didn't u
Story-type games are most of the time solo, to which I would like to play with friends.
I have tried to play alone but I ended up just ditching the entire thing of boredom and jump over to watching series.
So story type games just don't give u the thrill that u desire in ur life, understandable
And u feel like u have no company while playing them
Maybe you could go something less competitive but still giving you a thrill?
Lemme ask u this, have u ever tried throwing a kid off of a mountain in skyrim?
Or have u ever even tried a game like skyrim
There's a lot of games out there which do include multiplayer as an option and might give you a bit of a jump but don't have the same amount of competitiveness a game like Valorant might have
No, I have simply watched others play Skyrim and I have always thought of playing Minecraft instead.
Minecraft however is nowhere close to as popular as it once used to be, same for Pokémon GO.
My advice is play games when you are tired, in my case, I come back from work and I am already so washed that I dont have energy to be angry at anyone in the game 🤣
Popularity doesn't make the actual gameplay good
To some, it may not give the same thrill as a competitive-shooter might have though -- If you'd like, it might be better to take a step back and try to relax in a less competitive themed space (unrated or swift)
In my case it does, I am seeking company after all.
mmm i mean theres a lot of company on mc! mainly servers though
The two most popular servers that I remember in MC are Hypixel and MC'Central, to which the first server doesn't have Survival and the second one died out a few years ago.
So here is what i want u to try as a first step towards stop getting angry at players and games. Ditch competetive games for a week straight and start playing skyrim. It doesn't matter if u don't feel the thrill at first. U need to get ur mind to get used to just enjoying pure gameplay
Im p sure hypixel added survival a few years back
honestly if the competitive scene a game might have it really IS best to take a step back and relax
what jidat is saying over here
give it a few days maybe? so-so, if a game gets you heated it also might be best to calm down before queuing a new one
The moment u get used to the grind in skyrim, u will feel so invested that u will stop getting angry at small things like a comp game in valorant
And I would like for you to simply ignore my question creating these many other issues before me.
If I wanted to play a different game then I would jump over to Fortnite, I am a decent fan of their cosmetics along with myself playing online but still solo, incapable of blaming anyone but myself in case of losses.
All i did was provide a solution to the anger u feel towards competetive matches. As a therapist i need to first assess special cases like these
Besides, Skyrim already got me to grind in Roblox's Dinosaur Simulator or whatever.
roblox dinosaur simulator is sick tho
I remember seeing this video ages ago back
Anger issues stem from more complex and involved problems
Ngl bro u r on the wrong side of the gaming catalog
Roblox and valorant?
in your entire lifetime, you are going to lose 40% of the matches you take
40% isnt half, 40% isnt a lot
but its still a lot of games, rounds, matches in your entire lifetime
a battle royale is just as competitive as a valorant comp match, no?
if your mindset is to go in every game as serious as it can be it'll more than likely ruin your own mental
No one there to say that his mum doesn't love him tho :val_CAUGHT:
The issue is the players here
take a breather have some fun, you dont need to take every game seriously
I am aware of my issue and I am slowly but surely calming myself down, removing my problem.
I am not capable of doing it immediately however...
I don't seek for a way to solve my anger issue, I just seek for a method to act through my anger without being loud or hurting myself.
That's fine! it really takes time for something like that to suddenly blossom
again, if a game gets you too heated
mute the team
put on some of your favorite music and just have fun
Aah so u wanna become ONE with the anger and to learn how to live with it in harmony
Ngl if you hit yourself because of your anger issues you may be better off with a face to face therapist :cat_Dead: just to throw that in here as well
The simple answer to that is, u can't.
Practically yes, I am told to breathe slowly and calmly but when things make me angry twice then I just start to breathe intensively. 🤣
I would hit my table but it's made out of slightly weak wood so I am not sure of the chances to me destroying it entirely.
you could.. try hitting other objects?
pillows r a godsend sometimes
Problem there is that I would then have to run over to my bedroom, the anger spreads the moment that it shows so I wont have the time.
Just have a pillow on standby
... Breathe intensively... First now did I myself just think that I could simply blow intensively?
Idk man, its a video game, if it's not fun and you're getting that angry about morons in game, it's not worth it.
That's how you shorten your lifespan
No idea of where I can have my pillow on standby, would get quite dusty immediately.
But now I myself just came up with an idea to perhaps simply blow intensively. Sure someone inside the room might hear myself doing it but as all I am doing is just shooting carbon dioxide... I guess that if I remember doing this then it could solve my issue? 😁
question real quick
Bottling the feelings genuinely is the worst thing you could do
is this a problem youre having with just valorant
or does it extend into other competitive games
Any game where I am playing in teams bigger than 2v2 I guess.
so in general its not extended to just valorant
I guess not.
But if I blow it out then I guess I am not? 😋
You dont wanna work on it, but you dont wanna have a reaction to it either. It's one or the other. I know you said therapy is for "crazy people" but this problem sounds like you're one of the "crazy people"(non derogatory)
playing valorant with friends can.. help? i guess
i dont solo queue valorant and im always playing with friends which might be part of the reason why i rarely tilt
im just tryna have a good time! and i think you should too
I don't want to work on it anymore, because now I seem to have solved it at least temporarily. 😁
That's just suppressing it, you're gonna deal with it later and feel angrier next time.
The friend that I play with is a family-member speaking my two languages but doesn't speak english very well.
That's why I only play with him when he wants to play with me.
But I don't suppress it by screaming? What would be the difference between getting carbon dioxide out silently or loudly?
offense but then itmight be better to find someone who speaks your language
Sorry, but he just wants to have quality-time with me when we do play, don't want to have others running us over.
Forgot to mention that as well
you dont always have to play with him
it might sound harsh but it would be better to find people who speak your language
When I don't play with him then I have no problem with containing my anger.
when you play with him
thats when youre mad
One could say that, yes.
this might sound harsh
but perhaps dont play with him
valorant has a system where people in duos are more likely to be queued with people also in duos
if youre in solo queue youre more likely to meet a variety of people who wouldnt exactly match eatch other's standards
Whatever the case, I am getting tired of this... I finally found a solution to my issue and even as I explain the kind of solutions to what I am looking for, I still get told these many other things irrelevant of what I seek...
Have fun you people
What u seek is simply not possible to achieve
you seem to seek answers instead of help, which the community of valorant can not give you :Prayge:
It seems possible enough for me to have found one solution myself.
Support refuses to give me 71 vp for art :val_Hampter:
I might need therapy soon
couldve told you that too :heh: 60 max
Did you get araxys in the shop ?:val_HUH:
I am 71 off araxys vandal
I am thinking of just buying prime tho
i made an artwork and they denied it because i asked for some vp a month prior :dead:
But the riot buddy goes so hard with araxys :Clove_Hearts:
you seek answers but dont listen to them, be well dude
how did you get yours
It just depends now what comes in my shop first
I will just buy 400 vp if i have to
Sorry, I assumed that someone responding to a question could be considered helping seeing as question is a category to choose from in creating one's post.
Helping in this server for a year helped lets say that
nono, make those microsoft rewards for like a week, then you can redeem a 75 vp code :Smart:
soon to be my turn
(in years)
There was no option for 75 tho
All i saw was for like 500 league points or sum
league of legends gift card, for 2000 points (100RP)
I have listened to every answer that you have given, I just believe that now is the time that I stop... Seeing how it's either telling me to read therapy, argue with my brother or join Skyrim.
I will be closing this post now, having found a possible solution myself, farewell.
i will reopen it
How does that work
Indeed you will, how do I leave it?
how does what work
can you unfollow your own post?
Ah, perhaps yes. Thank you
Excluding Skyrim and arguing with your brother somehow? Getting therapy is the best course of action you can probably take
:Hmm: hmm
😭 😭
anger issues are still issues
Nah fck this
What if i just take the 60vp
Then wait for 3 months
Then take the remaining 11 vp
Cuz by the looks of it, i might not get araxys or prime in those 3 months lmao
unlimited vp glitch
:val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT:
just takes 4 years for a 1.7k skin :Fire:
I shall mention this once more before I leave... I will NOT pay 120€ just to have someone drag one question out to two weeks. 👿
(i did not do the math)
a good friend can stil be a good therapist
you have deleted your own valorant account because people asked you to drop skins for them, just a reminder
Can I use ai art to get free vp
And otherwise because of my username not being editable, got sick of being reminding myself of StarWars.
probably lol
maybe you are indeed crazy :CAUGHT:
What if you get araxys in the shop before that :val_CAUGHT:
And maybe you are as well, whatever...
im crazy on the ego online :Fire:
Now how do I mute this channel? I thought that I could do so by right-clicking it to press "mute post" but apparently once I stop following it then the mute is gone.
Otherwise, I guess that personally muting it and then just not unfollowing it is my case.
Then i will just buy the vp
Or if i get prime then i will just get prime
nw vro dtu ts