Overscan for a CRT
So I have a CRT tv hooked up to my steam deck, has fairly noticeable overscan, and previously I was able to make it work with xrandr on SteamOS. Switching to bazzite, built-in settings for GNOME only has a "adjust for TV" button and it only makes it marginally better (not enough), xrandr seems to be missing the "underscan" option it had before and is giving me a bunch of errors trying other xrandr commands, I assume because of Wayland. I switched to Cinnamon and they don't seem to have any better display settings :P, didnt seem like theres any settings for displays in the dconf editor. I had tried googling this and almost every person who has had this issue had solved it on the TV itself, my TV literally only has very very basic color correction, and possibly could fix the overscan with a remote I just cannot fathomably get. Literally what is my next step??? I had tried searching up the Display Manager and find settings for changing it in the lock screen but I do not think I know what im doing, I do not care about scaling issues, I just want to play mushy quality ps1 games lol.
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