Black Bars on the sides
Ive recently re-downloaded valorant and wanted to play it. As soon as i logged in i noticed really wierd black bars on the sides. I went trough nvidia control pannel,game settings everything to look why its choosing a random res which i cannot change (it was 1680x720). Im sure ive never used this res before and simply wasnt able to change it, i went trought fullscreen,windowed fscreen,borderless, changed my res on ncp and all i could imagine but i simply not get loose on the blackbars and get my actuall res. Please help me as i just want to playðŸ˜
9 Replies
go to %localappdata%/VALORANT/Saved/Config then open gameusersettings
happened to me i had to start playing on fullscreen instead of windowed fullscreen and then it just fixed itself when i went back to windowed fullscreen
I already tried that but it just wasn't changing at all...
Ye and then?
u can see
Yes I already changed everything like that into 1920x1080 but Ingame were still blackscreen
Black bars*
you have letterbox or fill on in settings on the game?
I tried both
what should i do:val_KekwSob: