how to do

how to do two/ three block problems in NLM. is there any proper sequence or smthing to be followed .? constantly messing up these
12 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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Opt2mo ago
Do you mean wedge-block constraint problems or?
hardcoreisdeadOP2mo ago
these type
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Opt2mo ago
Ah, friction Wait. I have notes for this. Hopefully
Opt2mo ago
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Opt2mo ago
This is the case where friction with floor is zero. But the algorithm remains the same
Nimboi2mo ago
eduniti also has a great video on two-block problems, look it up
Some helping points ig: 1. Friction can at maximum stop relative motion 2. It will 'try its best' to stop relative motion (In the sense, look locally to spot relative slipping tendency) 3. Rest is just force balancing stuff but sometimes casework maybe needed.
hardcoreisdeadOP2mo ago
hmm i try to follow a similar seq in the above ques i considered no slipping so accn = (40-9)/9 = 3.44 in fbd of 4kg 40-f = 4a this gives f= 26.3 which is less than limiting friction of 4kg ( 32N) i.e no slipping follows this would mean a 26.3N force acts in backward dirn of 4kg and forward on 5kg now, 26.3 - f2 = 5a this gives f2= 9.07 , which is slightly more than limiting friction of 5kg block ( 9N ) is this correct ?
Priyam Alok
Priyam Alok2mo ago
Don't follow any short trick just stick to basic "friction chahata hai ki 2 body contact me rahe,uske liye friction tabhi lagega jab jarurat ho, utna hi lagega jitne ki jarurat ho aur wahin lagegaa jahan jarurat ho" Thoda cringe ya weird lines ho sakti but kaam ki baaten hai
hardcoreisdeadOP2mo ago
yeah kinda followed the same principle can u check the soln above

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