Bun install or Skip NPM install for Workers

Hello, I am trying to deploy from a monorepo that uses Bun. That means we have workspace dependencies. I noticed the env SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL for Cloudflare Pages, is there something similar ― or does someone have some insights into the way to go about this?
4 Replies
GiraffeOP2mo ago
The goal here, is to skip the NPM install, so that I can use the build command to do bun install prior to the build. I've added "packageManager": "[email protected]" to the root package.json of the monorepo as well as the subfolder containing the project, in hopes, that maybe Cloudflare could work out to use Bun ― with no luck. Despite bun.lock I figured I should try adding bun.lockb to the root, and it seems that, that made Cloudflare detect a Bun environment. I guess Workers build just needs to update that🤷🏿‍♂️
niclim2mo ago
Can confirm
RiskyMH2mo ago
Btw you made sure to use latest bun by setting BUN_VERSION env var right (otherwise it's prob not using lockfile as it's on some old thing) Ah maybe package manager field adds it, not sure
ghostCamel3d ago
I figured this out for my monorepo! Reading the docs here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/ci-cd/builds/build-image/#skip-dependency-install Bun is a supported build runtime. Here's what I did: 1. Specifying the Bun Version: Environment Variable: You can set the BUN_VERSION environment variable in your Cloudflare Workers project settings (Settings > Build > Build Variables and Secrets) to specify the Bun version you want to use. BUN_VERSION = 1.1.33. 2. Skipping Automatic Dependency Installation: SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL=true Variable: To prevent Cloudflare from automatically running npm install, set the SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL build variable to 1 or true. This allows you to take full control of the installation process. 3. Custom Install Command: Once you've skipped the automatic dependency installation, you can use the build command to run bun install (or any other custom installation steps you need). Your build command might look like this: bun install Deploy Command: bun wrangler deploy Path: /packages/backend

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