Organic GOC
write the order of heat of hydrogenation
answer is b>c>a
shouldn't it be c>b>a cuz HOH is directly proportional to no of pi bonds

16 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.Benzene has resonance stability. In fact, I'm pretty sure it should be b>a>c
But numbers.
its b>c>a
This is an exception of hoh
Due to resonance energy
okay thanks
Yeah, cyclohexene is lower.
But benzene is exceptionally low because of resonance

found it in my notes as well
BRO you meant heat xD okay.
dang yall got such nice notes ðŸ˜
hoh is imversely proportional stability of alkene to it explains that.
This thread helped me revise this exception. Who knows, it might come in the exam?
+solved @Prachi
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