Unit dimension error
In this question we have to find mass with error. But won't error change with change in F and a

17 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.why would the error change?
Even if for max error we take 1 error is 0.2
Delta F/F
If we take f 1, and F2
It will change
Relative error will change
Absolute error (+/-) won't
What abt ans
It's 0.1
yeah because the absolute error of F & a is also 0.1
and m = F/a
Ye in both is 0.1
Don't we add error
So 0.2
oh good point
we definitely add error when 2 quantities are added/subtracted
when multiplied or divided uhh
hang on
no they still get added

Relative error gets added
Absolute error idk for sure
Still it comes 0.2
Considering max error
Success Magnet?
bhai close kar diya kar :D
Not solved