Character concept (Natasha)

Hi! I recently made an small concept art of a character I was thinking a lot. Everytime i go to a fandom i instantly am able to create a lot of character concept and make them unique. (I hope this is not offtopic) Here you see Natasha or her full name Natasha Kiewich Sentinel from Poland 31 years old 180 cm Ex comander of Polish secret military service. Must been quit her job after the injuries. But she joins Valorant later. Her abilities 1st : Magnetic orb Cost : 150 (max 2) A trap that activates by enemies magneting them in the middle of the orb. Gives audio to locate the enemy. 2st : Comander boost (Signature ability) Cost : 250 (max 1 ) 40 seconds regenerate When activates gives all allies in radius a speed boost, reload speed for a 8 seconds and 10 shields till death or end of the round. She cant give you over 60 shields. 50 + 10 = 60 3rd: Magnetic Shield (Unique one) Cost : 400 (max : 1) regenerate 2% per second You know Viper or Neon abilities with percentage. Her ability to make a radius shield like a ball around her that will block bullets and any trowable objects. Her shield will have 100% and each second it will take 4%/sec. Each shot decrease percentsge by 5% and trowable objects with 25%. You cant shot trought the shield but you can see enemies and walk in or out of the shield. 4th - Ult -[ Comander tropps] Cost : 6 orbs Calls a 3 robowarior troops with a lazergun that will work like lightpointer but with damage . Troops will walk trought the map nearby Natasha protecting her from enemies. They have low hp (75 + 15 shields) When they die, they activates like a magnet orb and if enemy was nearby the robot, he gets magnets to place where robot dies. + they locate enemy if they see him on radar. Well i really thibk this character would be very good and unique. We really need a tank in Valorant Whats your opinion about this character?
3 Replies
Jirni_moedakOP2mo ago
Maybe someday i will make concept complete.
Whispurrr2mo ago
I love it! Her design is super cool, I love the artificial side of her face and her two different eyes!
Jirni_moedakOP2mo ago
Thank you :val_Hampter:

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