NodeJS Epipe failure during cloudflare build
13:57:44.555 .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/nodes/0.D7r-Fi1J.js 131.28 kB │ gzip: 30.56 kB
13:57:44.555 ✓ built in 10.62s
13:57:45.72413:57:45.724 node:internal/event_target:1101
13:57:45.724 process.nextTick(() => { throw err; });
13:57:45.724 ^
13:57:45.728 Error: write EPIPE
13:57:45.728 at afterWriteDispatched (node:internal/stream_base_commons:159:15)
The build is successful but it looks like it fails when attempting to write something. Anyone else have this issue or already resolved it?
4 Replies
did you solve it? i have the same problem
it used to work and i changed nothing
Still broken unfortunately.
Found a fix! Go to: Workers & Pages\Settings and change "Build system version" to Version 2. Then redeploy.
@Evil Morty ☝️
Man you are a lifesaver
Thank you so much 🙏
Glad to help!