my account shows that my credentials do not match an existing account in the system
8 Replies
My Riot Client is showing that my Riot ID are not existing
And I tried to send a ticket for Riot support and they send me an email telling me that I am not the owner of the account
aka "help guys i hacked this account and the owner pulled it back what do i do"
I don't hacked it bro
I buy some skins in this acount
I spent more than R$500 on skins
And I have the real email
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Bro I tried 2 times send a ticket for they
but even in support email I send all informations SSN name of account transations I send everything
and this is not enough
if it really is your account just use the sign in with google option
if you have the original email just use riots pullback feature lol
it works within like an hour if u have the og email