Set height of two column grid container to the height of the small column
I have a grid container which has 2 columns with different content inside. I want both the columns to be of equal height but that height should be the height of the smaller column and not the bigger column. The bigger column will have scroll bar so we can scroll to view the content of it. A simple demo is as below:
I tried setting height: min-content to the grid container but it is not working.
I found a solution while writing this question which is But this solution feels more like a hack rather than proper solution 😅.
A little help here would be much appreciated 😊.
Stack Overflow
How to set height of two columns to the height of the smaller one
I have two columns, as illustrated by this pen. I'm looking for a CSS-only solution (flexbox allowed, obviously) to set the height of the left column to the height of the right column (which is the
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