Latency issues/online gaming

Rog Ally z1e Good evening! I tried out multiple mmos to test to see if it was a single game causing 10k ms while playing and it seems to be all of them. Power cycled modem and hard booted my device I am not using a dual boot with windows just Solo installation of bazzite, and fast boot is turned off in my bios. I also changed my Ipv4 dns to and set to connect only to my wifi 6e protocal. When running I am running 1gbs speeds and 300mbs upload. I opened the steam ports 27000-27050 on my modem. Every once in a while the steam server will disconnect. Please and thank you in advance for any input
30 Replies
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Reverting to previous version via HHD helped on 1 game thus far. Still getting 100ms on the original culprit
Azema Viator
Azema Viator•2w ago
I think you are going to need to provide more info
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
As in which games? Thrones of liberty, ESO, and New World. Thrones and Liberty is the one where I would spike over 10k ms while I was in a dungeon. Before reverting from latest bazzite update I wasn't able to connect to ESO's and new world servers. I may have fixed my issue completely from reverting OS versions. Currently running a dungeon with 100ms instead of instantly getting punted by lag Nvm
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
No description
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
I am super tired and may not be explaining my issue clearly. What else do you need to know? I almost think it is a driver issue with the wireless card. When I was running default windows 11 I didn't have the issues with connection. However the fps are wayyy higher with bazzite.
wolfyreload•2w ago
I just found this on my Ally Z1e. Could you try run the following in the terminal
ifconfig and get the device name for your wifi, mine was wlp6s0, adjust the scripts below if your wifi device has a different name Run sudo iw wlp6s0 get power_save and see if you get "Power save: On" Try turning off the powersaving feature for the wifi by running sudo iw wlp6s0 set power_save off It halved my pings and ended up with lower lag spikes too
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Oh I disabled power save in developer mode but will try here too
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
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Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
No description
wolfyreload•2w ago
cool. then run this and see if power save is on for your wifi sudo iw wlp6s0 get power_save If it is run sudo iw wlp6s0 set power_save off and try your game again. The effect doesn't stay after a reboot
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Oh it's on Weird kk
wolfyreload•2w ago
Also the power save feature is on while my ally is docked. So it's weird that it's on at all.
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Ok takes a bit for it to spike So will let ya know Ran a whole dungeon without a single spike Is there a way to permanently turn that off? Average was 88-120ms @wolfyreload yea no issues at all now
wolfyreload•2w ago
Give it some more time before marking it as solved. But this might be the solution for others that are having latency issues on the ally
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Yea. Is there a permanent way to turn off power saver? @wolfyreload And should I update my OS back to latest?
wolfyreload•2w ago
Probably worth switching back to the latest version and check that this still solves the issue. I'm sure there is a permanent way to fix it but I don't know how to do that. Let me ask an expert. @HikariKnight, sorry to ping you, it looks like I might have stumbled upon a fix for the internet latency issues on the Ally. Do you have any idea how you'd disable power saving mode on the wifi of the ally either permanently or when it's plugged into power? Manually running sudo iw wlp6s0 set power_save off more than halves my latency when running a ping
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Will let ya know Running perfect I mean 80-140ms isn't perfect but you know what I mean @wolfyreload anyway thanks man Ill give it until tomorrow and check this solved
HikariKnight•2w ago
idk about wireless cards but when it comes to wake on lan on ethernet cards, some cards self disable it after a boot and you have to make a service that re-enables it at boot. but only some cards mess with their own settings again at boot
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
What would the command look like to disable the wireless card at boot with conditions? As a service I mean Disable the power save i mean not the card**
HikariKnight•2w ago
think something like this, change wl6s0 to your wifi card
Description=Disable wifi power save

ExecStart=/sbin/iw wlp6s0 set power_save off

Description=Disable wifi power save

ExecStart=/sbin/iw wlp6s0 set power_save off

put that in /etc/systemd/system/disable-wifi-powersave.service then do
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now disable-wifi-powersave.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now disable-wifi-powersave.service
not sure if this one will be grumpy if you dont have a wifi network to connect to at boot though, in that case change the targets to and run sudo systemctl daemon-reload again
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Will play with that when I get home. Thanks man
wolfyreload•2w ago
Looks promising so far. Just tested with my router off and it still disables the power_save mode
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
I can't wait to go home and test it my self Does this get typed into a script editor? Sorry I be a windows user normally. Notepad my old friend
HikariKnight•2w ago
yes any kind of notepad/text editor
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Awesome! Thanks 🙂 Got the script to work. Still off after reboot. Thanks @HikariKnight & @wolfyreload
Azema Viator
Azema Viator•2w ago network manager can have power save disabled via a config file might be worth looking into setting it as a default in bazzite
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
How to turn off Wireless power management permanently
In Linux Mint 17.3 / 18 iwconfig says the power management of my wireless card is turned on. I want to turn it off permanently or some workaround on this issue. sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off works,
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•2w ago
That would be bad for battery life, and not every piece of hardware sucks like this Definite no
Azema Viator
Azema Viator•2w ago
well i did say to look into it not do it you would know better
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Ebon Core [Necriss]OP•2w ago
Looked into file locations and it would seem i would need to create the config setting anyway xD in the config.d folder Ill stick with the service Hitaki recommended. Hikari sorry**
wolfyreload•2w ago
@Azema Viator I've tested your solution and it was much simpler and I've documented it but I agree with Kyle that we don't want to negatively impact other devices and change this as a default in Bazzite with an issue that is probably specific to the Rog Ally. I have a PR up for the Bazzite docs

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