Clothing to exploit rich parents
So I am studying in switzerland and I need money. So I want to try to give private lessons to rich kids in private school. But their parents are probably pretty conservative. What should I wear on the photos on flyers and what should I wear during lessons?
22 Replies
Ocbd and chinos
whats ocbd
oxford collar button down
also I kinda hate chinos. Like they are uncomfortable and I dont want to sit around in them for 2 hours
*cloth 🤓
Well that’s the ideal pants for what you’re describing
Find different chinos
They shouldn’t be uncomfortable if they fit properly
Ok. and for a jacket?
and shoes
cause I only have those lol

black loafers
ok hope my father has some because I dont want to buy any
jacket uh...i mean it's Switzerland in winter presently you could just dress for warmth?
otherwise an overcoat or duffel coat
yes I mean I need a jacket that doesnt look informal. I only have a giant sheepskin pimp coat and a college jacket lmao
Navy blazer
ok nice. will buy a ocbd and chinos tomorrow then I guess
thanks for the advice. I hope this works and I will make 50fr/h lol
Thats not the automatic recommend in Europe that it would be in the US honestly.
black derbys would be the blend in shoe
yeah loafers are kinda rare in Europe
Are they not still popular in the Mediterranean countries?
Wouldn’t be much use in Switzerland lol
Last time I was in Italy I did see some moccasins with uppers styled like penny loafers, but no penny loafers proper
So I guess?
Yeah, I just associate loafers with Spain/Italy, especially tassel and bit loafers, but it has been a while since I have spent extended time there. I could also just be misremembering because driving shoes definitely seemed much more popular there.
Now THIS is a cause I can get behind lol
Ok update I got a nice shirt, chinos and a belt and I will use my fathers shoes. Looks good enough
Now I just have to infiltrate all the private schools in the cityđź‘Ť