riot dev sells riot gun buddys?
Hello my friend saw a video abt someone saying that ppl sell riot gun buddys.
Like anyother person i wanted to see if this is rlly ture and i looked into it and saw this.
46 Replies
you can get banned for this right??
if anyone wants to take this person down il help bc this cant happen
if you pay the 250€ you wont be banned, but you will 100% be scammed
rioters do not sell their riot buddies.
yea thats what im thinking too
but this is crazy
ppl wil do anything for money now
people always find other people to scam :shrug: free money for nothing
i still cant get my head around it
why did he say “ we will put riot buddy on your account” then said we r not devs
he said he knows an riot dev
and pays the guy.
the dev will be baned bc i think its not allowed for them to sell riotbudy
Or its all fake
yea its not
i hope i can try to find a way to stop him
bc he sold 3 of them in 30 days
750 euro
is that,
It all depends on the website
Bc they control the reports
yea but i still hope the ppl who bought did not get scammed or get there money back
Wdym did not get scammed 💀
Riot devs don’t sell gun buddies
If someone paid for it
They defo got scammed
yea i ment like that the ppl get there money back
at least
From who
If someone scams the money they run away with it :val_PepeShrug:
from the site where ppl buy it from
sites like this will do anything in their power to not pay you back useally
yea ture
what a scam, please dont get this. 250 for a riot buddy? Pfft.
250 for a buddy?
:val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT:
Not 100%😛
It rly is a 100%
No because
:waiting: waiting for explanation
because [explanation]
I would only pay 250 for something like a ski buddy
wahts that?
Idk like a buddy but it’s a little guy that’s skiing
A ski buddy
oh yea btw
:bonky_Bonk: nobody here sharing accounts
the website he is on is a selling website
is that so
wait im stupid
that was kinda obv
when tf did i watch this?
I always use it
Good site