Why are randoms always "not so good"
Why is it always in ranked that I need to hard carry my team 😭 I am literally the only one being positive in my team

30 Replies
queue with people
Because you’re in silver and they are in iron
But why is it possible that I get them in my matches
low mmr
if you do bad in your games u will get bad teammates
Either that or you queued with iron players
I literally played against plats the match before
and did you do well?
Jep 27/11
are you solo q
No with a bronze 3 that's also most of the time second best
well what normally happens is if you havent played a lot of games in the episode it tries to determine your rank and your mmr fluctuates a lot, if you queue another game you will probably be against plats again and then if u win u will be against plats for a while
well thats why then
were you queuing with plats when you played with the bronze 3 guy
When you say you played against plats
Is their current rank plat
Or last act
Well it stood there on the loading screen
bro 💀
Last act
Yes we often queue against plate
that means theyre plats last act
so theyre like bronze now
ur queing in consistent bronze lobbies
I was gold 3 last act and got bronze 3 this act
i was asc a while ago and then i got my placement games i won all of them and it put me in silver
How should I know i don't know how this works I just play it
and i never bothered to really play serious again
yeah fair
the triangle next to their name is their act rank
Everyone keeps calling em “Smurfs” when they actually got placed there
or bro
when ppl see like a high rank gunbuddy
and they go
Well I just looked and most of my enemies are gold to silver
ur prolly in
high mmr
cus ur doing well in ur games
Yea I am not that bad for my rank I would say I deserve to be in gold-plat bc that's where I peaked when ranked came out (I am on console so that's not so long ago)
if ur dropping 25-30 kills a game u will double rank up
whats console gold in pc rank
silver or
has it kinda evened out now
Probably more like silver for PC
I get like that star and 32 rr
Most of the time
yes if u rank up u will probably doublerankup
Well I did rank up to silver with that star (I dropped to bronze the game before)