mfad2mo ago

Best UK shops for americana style

I took part in a research project and I can receive a £150 voucher for a shop. I’m thinking of using the voucher on americana style clothing, please could you suggest some good shops in the UK that ideally also have gift cards too? I have uploaded some pictures of example clothing
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20 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Rivet and Hide and Son of Stag Orzel and All Blues Co too.
ElementxOP2mo ago
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. What is your personal favourite from these shops?
deltic2mo ago
Where in the UK are you based? If near london there’s Hey Cowboy! but that’s slightly more westernwear-y
ElementxOP2mo ago
I’m based in Central Scotland but I could get things delivered to me right as long as the shop is in the UK.
deltic2mo ago
I’d be amazed if you couldn’t honestly as much as anything it depends if you’re wanting new or second hand stuff. honestly if you’re open to second hand i’d say just get a depop voucher ngl if you want new the places chopper suggested are probably your best bet
ElementxOP2mo ago
Depop is kinda like Amazon tho and I want good quality stuff, even if it’s second hand? They’re pretty expensive though. But I do quite like rivet and hide. Their jackets are 🔥 Have you ever shopped at rivet and hide?
deltic2mo ago
Depop is nothing like amazon 85% of the clothes I buy are vintage or second hand, can’t say I have Only similarity is that they’re an online market place. It’d be my choice if I were you purely because of the fact you can get some pretty decent brands for not that much money comparatively Got a PRL hunting jacket for example that would’ve been eye watering prices new for £100, there’s good bargains to be had. Unfortunately new americana stuff is expensive over here because we have fewer options for retailers and the majority of the retailers we do have are mid to higher end. Would be a good way to stretch your money more. However I can also understand the want for something new or to support more independent businesses. That’s my two cents, do with it what you will
ElementxOP2mo ago
That’s interesting and I think I do agree. It sucks that we don’t have as many options here because Americana is awesome. Have you bought anericana clothing from depop before?
deltic2mo ago
A good portion of stuff I’ve posted on #wawyt is from depop I’d say. Mostly jackets but there’s a whole lot of good stuff on there I also get a good chunk from flip in Newcastle, but they don’t sell online unfortunately It’s a game of search terms
Spuck2mo ago
Vinted is better in the UK than depop honestly But you have to be willing to dig Im a big americana/ametora nerd and 90% of what I buy is second hand
deltic2mo ago
Think it depends what you’re looking for. Definitely a lot of digging stuff tends to be better listed on depop
Spuck2mo ago
If I see one more 'blahblah x japanese brand' listing on there I will start a fire
ElementxOP2mo ago
Thanks for the suggestion but Vinted don’t do gift cards.
deltic2mo ago
ebay’s also pretty good for clothes i’m ngl i’ve had a good chunk of success on there Holdwest is a seller with an incredible range of americana, among others think i could easily spend £150 just from them alone
Spuck2mo ago
+1 for holdwest
deltic2mo ago
i think my final recommendation would be an ebay voucher
ElementxOP2mo ago
Ebay don’t actually do Uk gift cards tho.
deltic2mo ago
Might be able to get it in dollars and have it work here. Not sure Failing Ebay, depop failing depop any of the other sites listed at first you able to get a prepaid card? or does it have to be a gift card explicitly
ElementxOP2mo ago
Depop doesn’t seem to do gift cards either or Uk ones anyway. Alright although rivet and hide is pretty expensive it looks top notch tbh and the reviews are pretty good. Son of a stag is a close second. Alright I will enquire about the prepaid card too. And I can use that to shop on eBay and depop. I think prepaid card seemed to be the best option and if that’s not possible then will go for rivet and hide gift card. Thanks a lot for the help, really appreciate it.
deltic2mo ago
That’s what I’d do too if I were you. No worries at all!

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