Moonlight/Sunshine and PS5 controllers

Anyone got PS5 controllers working via moonlight/sunshine. I've tried with both an appleTV and a Mini-PC running bazzite as the client and the controller connects fine to the client machine but Forbidden west behaves as if the sticks aren't centred and sometimes if one of the triggers is constantly being pulled. Xbox controller works fine (although the right stick dead-zone feels worse on the apple TV vs the bazzite mini-pc)
7 Replies
Dragon🐉OP2mo ago
The sunshine/server PC is also running bazzite and it's the steam version of Forbidden West if that makes any difference.
HikariKnight2mo ago
should work through steam input if you start moonlight through steam, i have to do that with nintendo switch controllers at least (and set the desktop layout to gamepad) might be the same for ps5 controllers other than that idk
Dragon🐉OP2mo ago
I do, it knows it has a ps5 controller but doesn't play nice
Ebon Core [Necriss]
Did you try tossing steam link on the TV and pairing the controllers? I do this on my chrome cast Not sure if apple TV can run steam link mind you Using Nintendo switch pro controller though
Dragon🐉OP2mo ago
i haven't tried it via steam streaming i could use the apple tv for steam link, but equally the mini-pc could just do steam remote play
Ebon Core [Necriss]
I just like steam link due to it being compatible with most controllers Need a solid connection though
Dragon🐉OP2mo ago
I had fibreoptic run but I think I might have snapped the fibre somewhere, either that or one of the SFP's fried waiting for a visual fault locator pen to show up to see if I did break it.

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