Evanesca - Hi, I have a question for custom CSS...
Hi, I have a question for custom CSS. My team recently used some of the v2 features to create a pivot table function in our platform. However, I find the styles cannot be adjusted through the previous custom, rule_unstable. I find all the problems happened to this valkyrie-9b6b6c92.css, which controls the v2 assets and saved in the a different folder from other css files. The custom CSS cannot overwrite it. Does anybody know how can I solve this problem and get the pivot table styles adjusted? Thank!

4 Replies
@priyanshu.kumar can you help here?
@Evanesca - Are you using the new Pivot table v2 ?
Is that module not ready yet?
@Evanesca - Yes , thats a gap. Can you raise a feature request for it ?