Andy - Hi all, we are implementing ThoughtSpot ...

Hi all, we are implementing ThoughtSpot embedded for our customer facing analytics. Our ThoughtSpot cluster is in ap-southeast-2 (Sydney). Our analytics db is also in ap-southeast-2 (Sydney). We have a global customer base. What kind of latencies would a user in US East Coast or Europe experience with out set up? And if we had an additional analtyics db in an EU/US server would that improve those latencies or would there still be the bottle neck of having to travel through the ap-southeast ThoughtSpot instance? cc: @rumana-hf
3 Replies
shikharTS2mo ago
The user will make a request from US/EU to TS in ap-se and then TS will make a request to analytics db. The additional DB in EU/US will not help the making the request from TS faster. Since the first Point Of Contact to the user is TS rather than the DB, there would still be bottle neck of having to travel thorough the ap-se TS instance.
AndyOP2mo ago
ok thanks what kind of latency has been seen for customers in different regions?
shikharTS2mo ago
I don't have the numbers handy, maybe you can ask in a support ticket if they can help with this info?

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