Looking for a Desktop Developer
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a partner of sorts. I am looking for someone to not only share project ideas with, but to learn with and grow with as a Windows Desktop software developer. I currently develop Windows Desktop software applications using Visual Studio 2022 Community and C# with the .Net 8.0 Framework, but any version of the .Net framework is fine with me. I am hoping to connect with any likeminded individual that is interested in learning and growing, not only in C# software development, but Desktop software development of any kind (preferrably C++, C#, VB.Net, Python, or Java). I have been learning C# Desktop Development off and on since 2013, and continue to grow and learn more each time I begin working on a project. If you are interested in being a buddy that is interested in growing in the Desktop software development field for Windows, then please shoot me a DM!
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