CF Stream Future? Channel has been archived while we wait for WebRTC Support

Sad to see the #stream channel archived today, that worries me about the long term support for CF Stream - especially as we've not seen an update since August. Any insights into the future of CF Stream?
2 Replies
gtech9451OP2mo ago
The messaging is to come here; so I guess that needs updating from the CF team. It's not that we need help from general. I was hoping we'd get more updates from the Stream team as per the messaging in the docs. Stream works, but until the webrtc supports replays, it's impossible for us to integrate in our web/app products. Was regularly monitoring the channel for updates, since it doesn't feel like there is anywhere to get updates.
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gtech9451OP2mo ago
Alright, thanks Floppy. I appreciate the insights - I'm not expecting a timeline, just really some confirmation that things are still being worked on. 5 months with zero updates, especially after seeing them monthly/bi-monthly for the past couple of years just leaves me a little worried about continued support. AI and Workers have been a great push (for all the right reasons), and was considering whether CF are pivoting attention, and whether I need to look else where long term.

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