For a moment I thought you have a breaker panel on your right side. Second look told me it was a mas
For a moment I thought you have a breaker panel on your right side. Second look told me it was a massive USB hub. Lol
13 Replies
dang it I didn't mean to start a thread, just reply
:package: 🇵🇱 RHINO #0873 Has Shipped!
Always impressed by those sim pits even though I wouldn't do it. Lol
I would if i had the space for one would love a dedicated simpit seperate to my desk so i dont have to mount/unmount all my stuff all the time :CleveDerp:
:package: 🇺🇸 RHINO #0875 Has Shipped!
:package: ðŸ‡ðŸ‡· RHINO #0874 Has Shipped!
:package: 🇵🇱 RHINO #0873 Has Shipped!
after months of waiting, its finally in the fedex bin!
from all my simflight gear, rhino was supposed to arrive last, yet it will be first
yay niche tech 😄
looking to be a great year for me my new TEDAC for my apache, new rhino coming soon, and a summer coming up for me to enjoy
Where did you get that TEDAC from?
That’s awesome dude, I can’t wait till I get one, 73 to go!
Komodo simulation has one for €900, not in stock though, in fact they don't seem to have anything in stock.
There are diy projects on thingieverse with BOM's, even with a 7" screen.
Alain Dufour Simulations...thing is pretty high up there with quality
paid $650 or so after shipping and it has a working monitor
ill grab a pic of it if you want
better yet...