can't update UEFI dbx
As per title, I keep always my system updated but it always come up that I have not updated UEFI dbx on discover updates windows.
Is that a bug that keeps linux from updating UEFI dbx component on my system?
is there any command to run in a shell to update UEFI dbx from version 77 to version 371
4 Replies
dont use discover to update, use the system update application or the updater in steam gamemode (they both do the same update)
can you explain me how to do it?
what is the system update or the updater in steam gamemode? I always used linux mint and ubuntu
anyway it seems I managed to update UEFI dbx via fwupdmgr
I found one solution on Fedora forums
add OverrideESPMountPoint=/boot/efi to /etc/fwupd/uefi.conf
bazzite@bazzite:~$ sudo fwupdmgr get-updates
[sudo] bazzite's password:
Devices without firmware updates:
• BC711 HFM512GD3JX013N
• System Firmware
Devices with the latest firmware available:
• UEFI dbx
1 report successfully uploaded
No updates available
bazzite@bazzite:~$ cat /etc/fwupd/uefi.conf
sudo dbxtool -a --dbx=Scaricati/DBXUpdate_x86_0.bin
this works permanently also after you switchoff your pc