CI/CD Builds GitHub Integration - ERROR Missing entry-point / 'main'

Because wrangler.toml file is excluded in git commits, where should the main be configured via the CL dash "config field"? * We are running a custom build, which looks to be fine on both Wrangle and GitHub builds. * Wrangler deployments to all environments are successful.
Success: Build command completed
Executing user deploy command: npx wrangler deploy
⛅️ wrangler 3.103.2
✘ [ERROR] Missing entry-point: The entry-point should be specified via the command line (e.g. `wrangler deploy path/to/script`) or the `main` config field.
Success: Build command completed
Executing user deploy command: npx wrangler deploy
⛅️ wrangler 3.103.2
✘ [ERROR] Missing entry-point: The entry-point should be specified via the command line (e.g. `wrangler deploy path/to/script`) or the `main` config field.
2 Replies
Walshy5h ago
you shouldn't exclude wrangler.toml in git but as the error says, you can specify the path of the main file as well - so you could change the deploy command
BrodOP5h ago
oh we should be including wrangler.toml in commits! Well that would make this a lot easier haha

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