CI/CD Builds GitHub Integration - ERROR Missing entry-point / 'main'
Because wrangler.toml file is excluded in git commits, where should the
be configured via the CL dash "config field"?
* We are running a custom build, which looks to be fine on both Wrangle and GitHub builds.
* Wrangler deployments to all environments are successful.
2 Replies
you shouldn't exclude wrangler.toml in git
but as the error says, you can specify the path of the main file as well - so you could change the deploy command
oh we should be including wrangler.toml in commits! Well that would make this a lot easier haha
Success. I think at some point our secrets ended up in toml so it was excluded. Took them out and ran dev git commit through git branch merging auto building & deploying of test and prod. 💯🤟🏻
(We had a look but couldn't find one) I know this CI/CD Builds is still in Beta but a whitepaper on best practices would be very helpful to confirm customers config and processes.
Thanks (AGAIN) Walshy!