[ThinkPad E14 G6] Bluetooth turns on automatically

On Silverblue, every time I turned on the system, bluetooth was enabled, regardless of the previous state. On Aurora-DX, it seems to happen randomly, so not after every boot but quite often. Is it a known issue with these laptop models?
make a script and add it to startup and have it include this
echo -e "select AA:BB:CC:11:22:33\npower off\n" | bluetoothctl
echo -e "select AA:BB:CC:11:22:33\npower off\n" | bluetoothctl
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HikariKnight2w ago
make a script and add it to startup and have it include this
echo -e "select AA:BB:CC:11:22:33\npower off\n" | bluetoothctl
echo -e "select AA:BB:CC:11:22:33\npower off\n" | bluetoothctl
change the bluetooth mac address to match yours it will turn off bluetooth each time you log in so that you need to manually turn it on

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