Please help identify this shirt
This is from brad pitts appearance in friends, unable to find the same shirt. Would love to rock this look.

12 Replies
This aired 23-24 years ago so I think it's going to be difficult to find the same shirt based solely on the collar.
dude you are not going to find some 30 year old shirt, find something similar, a purple-white striped shirt
i put my thumb on brad pitts face before assessing his outfits i recommend it
if there's a secondhand shop near you (goodwill, savers, value village, etc) there's a good chance you'll encounter one of these
I tried this and now I have a restraining order, he was not impressed.
you sort of have to press at just the right angle
im sorry this didn't work for you
these types of loud shirts were really big in the 00s. I remember going to express and seeing them everywhere there.
The Going-Out Shirt Is Ready To Groove Again
The brash striped button-ups favored by Y2K-era heartthrobs are emphatically—maybe irrevocably—back.
per zeometers advice, I do feel like millennials have dumped them all into goodwill so high chance you find them secondhand
Oh man I remember going out shirts, that shit was so obnoxious. Half the reason I stopped wearing shirts for nearly 2 decades
A man's gotta eat, Julian.
sadly i was a victim to this trend in high school. but i was also a nerd so my "going out" was to cheesecake factory