nameservers are not authoritative for this domain

Hi, i changed recently my nameservers on my registrar (godaddy), but cloudflare still gives me "pending nameservers update". Godaddy support answer for the problem is as follow: The nameserver update for <mydomain>.IT is failing as the below nameservers are not authoritative for this domain. As authoritative nameservers are a requirement for .IT domains, you must contact your nameserver provider to have the below configured properly for <mydomain>.IT. What should i do? i'm desperate, i'm trying to move my dns management to cloudflare for a month.
6 Replies
DemacriOP2mo ago this is the dns configuration check result from the nic.
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Chaika2mo ago
That shows you haven't changed them. I would make sure you're changing them properly on the registrar level and not at the dns level. For Godaddy, refer to:
GoDaddy - Edit my domain nameservers
Update the nameservers for your domains registered with GoDaddy and change where you manage your DNS.
DemacriOP2mo ago
that's crazy. i'm seeing now they changed them back to their and ... from the dashboard Thank you Chaika, i set the cloudflare ones again. It seems godaddy continues to set their nameservers back at certain point in time and i can't delete their records. (i.e. Now their NS settings page shows an error) What if the status of the nic doesn't change? is there another way to delete their nameservers?
Chaika2mo ago
I've seen it before that some Registrars will automagically set back their nameservers if you try to make dns changes/etc on their side, since that all needs to happen in Cloudflare now
What if the status of the nic doesn't change? is there another way to delete their nameservers?
Godaddy is the registrar, the bridge between you <- Registrar -> Registry (operators of .it). You need to go through them for all changes. Your only option would be to contact their support about it, or transfer out to a different registrar
DemacriOP2mo ago
crazy, i've contacted the support 14 times since 27 dec. and they opened 5 tickets :facesad: ... i will look on how to change the registrar directly. thank you anyway for your time should the problem be fixed if i start the process of moving my registrar to cloudflare? if yes, is there any downside on doing this?
Chaika2mo ago
You won't be able to transfer to CF unless the zone is fully active (the nameservers are aligned) Downsides of using CF as a registrar? Hmm, you can't change your nameservers to anything other then Cloudflare and you're putting all your eggs in one basket, but CF sells at cost/no additional markup

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