Low fps on valorant even though I got a decent pc
I got a pc better than the minimum requirements for valorant an i3 6th gen 8gb ram and 520 hd graphics card it's not good but it's just better than the stayed minimum requirements for the game I play on lowest settings possible and still sometime my fps drops to 10-20 range usually it stays around in the 60-80 range during buy round is there anything I can do for a stable 60 fps or less fps drops?
20 Replies
you on laptop or desktop?
not what id call decent
Still better than mine :val_CAUGHT:
It's equivalent to a gtx 720
Minimum requirements= enough to run the game not necessarily enough for good fps
Released in 2015 graphics card
Your CPU is also from 2015
8gb ram
= no chance unless u play low res lowest settings
try throttlestop + process lasso + play w only val open. and also maybe consider optimising your os with mods like atlas os
And play on 800×600 like me :val_CAUGHT:
Shit like process lasso ain't gon help an i3 6th gen
Beuh I play with 70 fps on an i5 6th gen
I would be more surprised if u didn't get 70 fps with an i5 6th gen
Cuz i get 55 with an i3 4150
And an i5 6th gen is alot better with a better igpu
70 fps are to be expected most of the time
With very low settings and res obv
True but it's just somewhat better than the minimum requirements
I play with everything set down to the lowest setting possible
How to get that res the lowest my game goes is at 1024x768 on which I play most of the time
Any help with atlas os?
Btw can I use some optimisation mods from apps like thunderstore mod manager or Any other mod manager?
Would my account get banned for doing so?
Config file :val_CAUGHT:
What rank r u lol I always thought I'm the only one playing on potato pc
D3 peak
Not rly playing on my main rn
can you download hardware info and run it to see if your device is thermal throttling
Will make sure to do that tomr
Does switching res actually make difference? Sometimes I get 60 fps even on 1920x1080
Fs does
Tho u will not be able to see shit like 40m away
The models just become that pixelated if u play on my res
Obv u can play on a bit higher res as ur pc is better than mine afterall
Upgrade bro
True sometimes my crosshair literally gets bigger than their heads so I can't understand where to shoot
thats just something you have to get used to
the minimum specs to run the game just means you can play the game
it doesnt mean its a good experience