Hono7d ago

How can I use hono/jsx templates to send Emails via Nodemailer?

I'm not sure if this is possible currently... I would like to render a JSX or TSX component without having to set up a route. I want to render a JSX component to an html string with one function call, so I can pass the string to nodemailer. How can I achieve this with hono?
5 Replies
ambergristle7d ago
html Helper - Hono
Web framework built on Web Standards for Cloudflare Workers, Fastly Compute, Deno, Bun, Vercel, Node.js, and others. Fast, but not only fast.
ambergristle7d ago
this will work for simple html
rszab003OP6d ago
thanks for your response @ambergristle ... is it possible to template an email with this helper?
ambergristle6d ago
i don't see why not
const EmailTemplate = (content: string) => (

const htmlString = raw(<EmailTemplate />)
const EmailTemplate = (content: string) => (

const htmlString = raw(<EmailTemplate />)
rszab003OP5d ago
I didn't know the raw function could do that. This is generally how I got templated emails working with hono:
import nodemailer from "nodemailer";
import type {Transporter, SentMessageInfo} from "nodemailer";
import Email from "./Email";
import { raw } from "hono/html";

async function main() {
const recipientName: string = "name";
const email: string = raw(<Email name={recipientName}/>).toString(); // nodemailer expects plain string

const transporter: Transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: 'smtp.yourhost.ch',
port: 465,
secure: true, // 465 or 587
auth: {
pass: '...'

const info: SentMessageInfo = await transporter.sendMail({
from: '"name :ghost:" <[email protected]>', // sender address
to: '[email protected]', // list of receivers
subject: `HELLO!? ${recipientName}`, // Subject line
html: email

import nodemailer from "nodemailer";
import type {Transporter, SentMessageInfo} from "nodemailer";
import Email from "./Email";
import { raw } from "hono/html";

async function main() {
const recipientName: string = "name";
const email: string = raw(<Email name={recipientName}/>).toString(); // nodemailer expects plain string

const transporter: Transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: 'smtp.yourhost.ch',
port: 465,
secure: true, // 465 or 587
auth: {
pass: '...'

const info: SentMessageInfo = await transporter.sendMail({
from: '"name :ghost:" <[email protected]>', // sender address
to: '[email protected]', // list of receivers
subject: `HELLO!? ${recipientName}`, // Subject line
html: email


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