16 Replies
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what does this mean
Why can't coordination complexes with central atom configuration as d⁰ be square planar in shape?
That's the meaning ig
Also, I wish to cross question you
Why would it be square planar
hello! did you sort this out?
if you mean sp2d, it exists
And also, hybridisation is weird and debunked mostly newer theories are used
Chemistry Stack Exchange
Are there square planar complexes with sp2d hybridization?
We were taught (Under the section 'Valence Bond Theory') seven types of geometries a transition metal complex may assume and its corresponding hybridization states,
Linear - $\ce{sp}$
Trigonal pla...
i dont undrstand what i asked 😭
ill close this out if you want and ask again later if i get this doubt
no no its okay we can keep it open :)
do you know why things are square planar vs tetrahedral?
dsp2 vs sp3 ie
hmm not rly
i just know theyre like that
hybridization is debunked?

i swear humans know nothing at all
Chemistry LibreTexts
Tetrahedral vs. Square Planar Complexes
High spin and low spin are two possible classifications of spin states that occur in coordination compounds. These classifications come from either the ligand field theory, which accounts for the …
d0 metals don’t go square planar because there’s no d-electron to stabilize that shape. In sq planar the highest-energy orbital ie dx2-y2 s left completely empty.....so there’s no gain.
Tetrahedral or octahedral makes more sense cuz ligands are better spaced out thusreducing repulsion.
sp palnar shape is more of a d8 stuff
likek pd2+ pt2+ wagera
it was there in 11th that MOT is a better theory
then there's LFT and DFT , although idk much about them
d3s also exists right? i read somewhere but never saw an example