Deploying sveltekit monorepo
I am getting vite: command not found when trying to deploy a sveltekit site part of a bun monorepo. The build command used is bun run build.
Has anyone encountered this issue?
This is the monorepo package.json
11 Replies
And this is the app package.json
try running the build cmd locally to get more detail where why it failed
It does not fail locally
I can build and deploy to cloudflare locally the problem is when cloudflare has to run the build
doesnt look like the install is happening for bun before the build
Should i specify anything other than bun run build for the cloudflare build command?
no idea, i dont use bun
@DaniFoldi sorry for the ping but im not sure how to ask for help since no one from the team apparently saw this thread...
I'm having the vite not found error too. builds locally but the cloudflare build fails. did you find a solution?
Nope and no luck pinging...
I got mine to work by changing NODE_ENV to "development" in my wrangler.json
"vars": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
Hope that helps!
According to my friend ChatGPT: This forces Cloudflare to install devDependencies.
I'll try right away