An encyclopedia/comprehensive list of all jackets/outerwear
Hi guys. I had this question on my mind last night and I thought maybe someone here would know about it. I was asking myself if there is a (visual) list of all types jackets made throughout (modern western) history. I was just thinking that it would be a great tool for designers to draw inspiration from and figured I would not be the first one to come up with that question.
I know there's magazines for specific items of clothing, I used to own a japanese one about vintage champion sweatshirts but I was just wondering if there is a bigger/more comprehensive source.
12 Replies
List of outerwear
Outerwear is clothing and accessories worn outdoors, or clothing designed to be worn outside other garments, as opposed to underwear. It can be worn for formal or casual occasions, or as warm clothing during winter.
define: "type" and "jacket"
not really what im looking for
badically im looking for a chronological timeline of outerwear innovation
and fashions
and developments
I would be absolutely amazed if this exists given how difficult it would be to put together in any way that approaches comprehensive.
thats why i’d be fine with subcategories for examples clothing of western culture in the 20th century
even if it spans over several books it would be interesting if you would be able to achieve a selection that covers most of it
just wondering where to start
would be a great resource for students tbh
I think if you’d log all the clothing covered in womens and mens fashion magazine in the 20th century it would make for a great start, then add military
the only thing that’d be really tough to track would be workwear maybe
You realise how expansive even a 'subcategory' of "western culture in the 20th century" is in terms of even beginning to put this together? We don't even have a complete/comprehensive history of Levi's jeans models and they're fairly well recorded/documented.
I do lol
sounds simple, let me know how it goes.
idk why you’d hit me with some sarcasm when the question is of genuine interest
I wouldn’t have been surprised if anyone would have taken on such a task in history.
thats why I was asking
but if you’re gonna make fun of me expressing my interest in something like this I can imagine your energy is best spent elsewhere
put it this way - professional archivists/historians can spend their life's work putting together a comprehensive catalogue of a single ultra specific and specialised field over a relatively confined time period. That's what this task is, you need to both more rigorously define what you are looking for and realise the scale of this (as you've currently defined it).
let me put it a different way then. Let’s say the goal is not 1 single book. If I had a collection of books what would be the best ones? I think it’d be feasable to have somewhat of a complete library in 20-50 books
yeah history student here, it would be at best near impossible to do anything this wide ranging and have it be comprehensive
do you realise how gargantuan a task 20-50 books is? gonna play it safe and say no it doesn’t exist
think of all the obscure models of jackets from just levi’s alone, and then add wrangler and lee for the big three denims and you’re onto a huge task at that alone. add in supermarkets, random ass local chains and artisan brands and you’ve got a massive undertaking and that’s just for trucker jackets
now you get sherpa, and down, and then you maybe move to woollen jackets and you’re into an even harder task as nigh on every clothes company has had a go at an overcoat