#Mob Farms

Mob spanning behave differently in servers... spawn range is reduced but specially mob cap behavior in servers affect mob farms. Here is a possible fix https://youtu.be/ngII-qj3_fo doesn't matter what the mob cap is in the server.. Everyone should get their fair share of mobs can be solved with plugins and mods
How to Fix Mob Farms on Servers | Minecraft 1.18 Suggestion
In Minecraft 1.18 mob spawning has changed. Hostile mobs now only spawn in light level 0 which is a great change in my opinion. If we're revisiting mob spawning, how about a way to fix mob farms built on multiplayer servers that just don't work with others are online. Today I'd like to propose a simple (hopefully) change to mob spawning that wil...
6 Replies
Treion2mo ago
Kon plugin dia solved vy? This is nearly impossible to solve using a premade plugin eita fix korte gele ekta fully custom plugin lagbeh but eikhaner devs lazy so drop your expectations unlesss some dev decides to do it
Udoyy2mo ago
ei video koyek year ager koto agei dekhe felsi @Safayat Ibrahim tmi actually ekhane ki bolte caitesila? what was your suggetion?
Treion2mo ago
Areh bhai mob kom spawn hoy o beshi mob chai oita toh paper dia e change kora jai
Udoyy2mo ago
mob beshi spawn korano jai but it will never be 1:1 with vanilla vanilla survival , i mean single player is highly specific for a single user currently server e eksathe more then 3k entity spawn hoye thake thats per player mob spawning
Safayat Ibrahim
Safayat IbrahimOP5w ago
Fix the mob cap to a player... If i spawn asome mobs in other players spawn sphere and leave the area the mobs just stay loaded. Im suggesting that my spawned mobs despawn as i move Hence making mobs available for all players equally
Udoyy5w ago
yes tmi move hoile tmr mobs despawn hoyei jai 7s er jonno loaded thake just er por gone

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