I cant get out of bronze because my bad rr gain
Hello, ive started played Val like 2 months ago and im hardstuck bronze, i cant get out of it because my rr gain is incredible low and i have no idea why and tbh i dont think im that bad to get this low amout of RR, could someone pls explain why is it this way?
13 Replies
+13 for 28 kills....
they have an grudge on u...
Ye idk why, it was even my rank up game
It js sucks
It's called mmr
@Fluqe_ ya know mmr exists
ye ik that it exist but still my games are good
He's probably playing against people with low mmr/low ranks so he gets less rr
Also it's a close game
i played with my duo
Literally went ot
shes also silver rn
but but why i js gain 13+ on a 28 kill game
even with iron mmr i should get alot more than that
: ðŸ˜
Lemme find it

looks like you're climbing though just keep playing
@David it isnt an issue basically if ur playing after 2 months riot resets ur mmr so currently u have a low mmr so riot thinks ur still like bronze level but keep playing games like these and ur mmr will increase and u will soon get 30+ for every good game
riot resets ur mmr to check if ur still near ur ranks level or not
so bascially your mmr got reseted
@NeerX || the problem is that im alredy playing since 2 months and it is like this all the time
I never barely had 2 games in a row with high rr gain even tho i were match mvp or team mvp
Im always like positiv kd and have a good tracker score so idk why the game thinks thats my mmr is below bronze :/