
what i did was total charge is Q(K+1) when capacitors conncected in parallel and since both are identical with same Dielectric charge will divide equally V = Q/C V = CV0(K+1)/2C = V = 550 but ans is 55 he is also gettign same eqn as me but he has dielectric also in denominator i understood his way but why cant we divide charge
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iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
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hithav3w ago
we can divide charge finally but in the initial condition when the capacitors are about to be connected they will have different charges because one is disconnected from the battery and then given the dielectric slab and in another it's still connected to the battery when we give dielectric slab
GamertugOP3w ago
ye ik charges will be KQo and Qo but its asking common voltage of Combination so it will divide equally Charge on each = Qo(K+1)/2 then V = Q/C V = CVo(K+1)/2C V = Vo(K+1)/2 = 11x50 = 550 not getting ans
hithav3w ago
capacitance will change right C'=kC
GamertugOP3w ago
both capacitence are kC so it gets cut
hithav3w ago
no no in the numerator you are just taking total charge/2 that would be KC+C/2 and in denominator it would be kC
GamertugOP3w ago
ok got it solved +solved @hithav
iTeachChem Helper
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