Anyone know where to get suits/tuxedos for cheap that are really customizable for fitting?
I'm in high school and part of ROTC, and I have a military ball coming up. I’m trying to find a nice black tuxedo or suit and tie that’s affordable and fits well. Does anyone have any recommendations for a 6'2" slightly chubby high schooler?
11 Replies
What's your budget?
under 150
thats why im scared of tailors lol
i could probably reach to 200 but car money is thin and through
how long before the ball
two months
im matching with the girl im going with
or atleast trying to haha
for $150 imo there's not a lot of options, either
- getting lucky at a thrift shop (goodwill, etc)
- ebay (which is similarly luck-dependent), or
- renting
yeah i understand that
im just trying to avoid shitty amazon suits
if you try to shop secondhand it'll help to know your measurements (chest circumference, sleeve length, waist, inseam at a minimum). this is a good vid on how to do that at home
that said i would honestly go for renting unless you're expecting to use it a lot - most places can adjust the fit for you when you pick it up
You can spend a lot of time thrifting but getting lucky with a complete set is unlikely
and eBay is a gamble
Honestly I would just rent if I was you. Stuff like this is why those services exist.
Your body is going to change and whatever you buy or tailor now is very likely not going to work for long.
was betting on renting
any idea how much renting a suit like
should normally be?
No clue. Depends on where you live.
I'd just call the places near you that do tux rentals and figure it out.
thank you