Why do I feel burnt out?

I have been playing valorant basically every day. I play for a Esports team in my high school and I’m a bronze to sliver ranked player. I think I’m getting burnt out of valorant. It’s the same thing over and over and I’m always bottom frag ing and feel like I’m not improving. I want to get better and improve but it doesn’t feel like I am.
6 Replies
1pl3w ago
Quit the game
PoH3w ago
Improvement doesn’t show up at an instant. All you can do is try harder. Once you do that then you’ll see improvement. Oh and one more thing Try to have fun
✧ Tracks ✧
✧ Tracks ✧OP3w ago
thank you
PoH3w ago
Satanaen3w ago
Its basically mental fatigue or youre over stimulated by the game. I suggest you just play 2-3 hours / day and take a rest dont get too pressed and just unwind.
JSN3w ago
It's hard asf yo improve when you don't have fun. Also the way to improve changes all the time, you could try something else.

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