20 Replies
Ornichus2mo ago
So I followed your advice and made a clean nvidia driver install and now it doesn't crash but it takes forever. I let over night and I'm at 5%
Ornichus2mo ago
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Ornichus2mo ago
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Furkan Gözükara SECourses
good that means you are ussing too much VRAM before starting training which config you tried?
Ornichus2mo ago
The 24gb config
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
ok then do this increase number of block swap by 1 try and increase by 1 and try until you find your best speed
Ornichus2mo ago
Ok going to try that Thanks again for your time Maybe should I go for the 16Gb config ?
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
12 gb works better than 16 but my strategy should work better
Ornichus2mo ago
This part ?
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Ornichus2mo ago
Or this part ?
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Ornichus2mo ago
How long usually before we can see the first 1% coming ?
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Ornichus2mo ago
Ok so the farthest I can get to is 35, at 36 it crashes. I can get around 40s/it
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
that is so wrong rtx 3090 can do like 7-8 second / it if you are gold member i can connect your pc and debug reason
Ornichus2mo ago
No, just bronze supporter What could make it slow like that ? I've closed all unnecessary running app and services. I've followed every steps of the tutorial. Launched the downgrade pytorch.bat file Is there a log, screenshot or command that can help figuring the issue ?
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
sadly nothing comes my mind. how much vram you are using before training?
Ornichus2mo ago
Around 400Mo
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
it should work great in that case 400 mb is very low
Ornichus2mo ago
What do you suggest me ? uninstalling everything and starting on a fresh install ?
Furkan Gözükara SECourses
probably maybe even format windows

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