Hot reloading of SSL certificates in gremlin-server

👋🏻 Hey. I'm trying to understand how SSL/TLS certificates are handled in TinkerPop. Based on this code (, keystore files (certificates) are loaded once, on Channel initialization. This would mean that a Channel keeps using the same certificate for its lifespan and, assuming they are long-lived, I imagine this could be an issue if users want to refresh their certificates often. Would there be a way to reload those certicates (e.g. periodically, on file change)? If not, would you have a suggested approach that would make sense to contribute? As an example, grpc-java, which is also based on Netty, offers this solution: Thanks!
advancedtls: adding AdvancedTlsX509TrustManager and AdvancedTlsX509...
This pull request adds the following classes to io.grpc.util: an AdvancedTlsX509TrustManager that supports reloading root certificates from the file system or memory disabling host name verificat...
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3 Replies
spmallette2d ago
i dont think there's any way to currently do the reloads, so something would have to be built. @Kennh any thoughts on this one?
Kennh22h ago
I've been thinking about this for a little bit since I read it, but I don't have any current recommendations on how to move forward with this. I'll have to think about it some more as I can see this evolving into a more general way of reloading server settings where lots of different server settings could get updated on the fly.
Andrea20h ago
It might be worth taking a look at this solution someone created which uses scheduled file based change detection
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