Why doesnt it work
i have changed the tag to literaly everything but it still sais that it doesnt work
22 Replies
Perhaps the name and tag has already been taken
Try changing the tag or the name itself
Try using a different name then
i think the name was banned
Did it work with a different name?
i wonder why
Name is blocked cuz it has connection to nazi stuff
U can type letters too in place if numbers
Bypassing ey?💀
No lol
and then 2 week ban : D
I have letters in my #
problem is before the tag
They already tried that
The problem isn’t the tag
they can use symbols to replicate letters but yeah
Scroll up and see the ss
Oh anne I remember her reading in my English text book 💀
Her diary
I think bro have connections
And want to rule valorant 💀