Leveling up in reverse
Ive been trying to set up the leveling system in a server and somehow i ended up with the bot giving you xp in reverse (as in subtracting it over adding it), idk how to fix it

57 Replies
heh, thats funky
you're in the level/xp editor, in there you can edit someones level or xp
what you did is subtract 2 or 7 xp from yourself, putting your XP in the negative.
The first 5 buttons are for xp
1st dividing the calculation by 10, second subtracting the calculation, 4th adding the calculation and 5th multiplying the calculation by 10
you start with 1, so if you hit x10 it becomes 10. If you hit the +10 button it adds 10 xp
same thing with the level buttons
granted, i should add a way to insert numbers directly
oh but when i try to subtract xp it doesnt let me go below zero
Issue created: [Level editor] add a way to put numbers
it just started doing that from normal messages
would you mind showing me your
/settings leveling basic
> Level-Up settings
my bad, i meant Text specific
not level-upright ,but idk if i changed anything

Ya you did change at least the xp per message
is that what’s causing it ?
The default setting is 25 xp per message
Ayako applies a little randomisation magic so it doesn't get boring. The range for that is (your XP per message) +/-10
So by putting it to 1 xp you actually put it to -9 to 11
I recommend keeping it at at least 10 so it doesn't go into the negatives
ohhhh right
actually can i ask, is there a way to change how much xp is required for each level up
i changed it to 1 because i wanted to change the amount required for each
No that's not possible. Ayako uses a fixed equation to calculate each level and it's XP. You can only adjust the xp given per message and/or give xp multipliers for roles, channels or in general
ah alright then
@Mache has leveled up! (4 ➜ 5)

i tried using role multipliers to give different amounts for each level
i just gotta delete all 30 of them lol
but thank you anyway
No problem, I hope you can find a different way to achieve your goal
idk if i shouldve made a new post or not for this but can the xp multiplier only be set to 1 or higher
also can you only use whole numbers? as in you can use 2 but not 2.5
It takes any number, if decimal or not doesn't matter. You could even put negative numbers
oh really
so it works if you were to multiply 30 by 0.1 to get 3
yeah, but it still applies the +/- 10 so you will end at the same result
wdym by the same result
give me a sec, i need to look it up
it should not be possible to run into the negatives by using very low but positive numbers, no matter if xp multiplier or xp per message
im not sure what caused this ocurence for you, but it shouldnt stem from the normal leveling process
should i remove and readd the bot to the server to see if that changes anything
nope that wont change anything, dont bother
are you still experiencing issues?
i think so
all i was tryna do is set the xp per message to 30 and multiplier to 0.1 so youd only get 2-4 xp per message
but it just was coming up 19’s or so
you can safely set the xp per message to 0 or 1, it shouldnt break anything
ill try it again at 1
your server is PokéMache?
ill take a look at what's going on behind the scenes
i wanted to have low xp gains from messages because i was gonna give out xp in events n such
sounds good
ill keep an eye on your server's xp
ah thank you⭐
you didnt pause the xp gain did you
oh, i set it to 1 and now im not gaining any xp
be aware that xp is only gained once a minute
oh i didnt know that, but ive sent a few messages over the last few minutes to test it
and your XP increased to 22 by doing so
oh really?
one sec
sorry when i use the set xp command it just says 1
sorry i was looking at the wrong channel
your xp is 438
are you sure you're not looking at the level?
share a screenshot if you can
it just says this each time i check

this embed takes a snapshot of your xp, its solely for editing and overwriting your xp
if you want to have a proper look at your xp, try using
/rank server
this is what came up for that

should i just reset server xp
i feel like we arent talking about the same server
oh really
can you click that full leaderboard link and then copy the url it sends you to
i only have the bot in this one server
do you mind if i hope in and take a look for myself?
sure sure
do you need admin or anything
so when you say you are talking and not gaining any xp, are you talking in one of these channels:
or one of these channels:
just general
sometimes in a modlogs channel
but general
i havent tried any of the other channels yet but you should be able to gain xp in all except the first 5
could you give me access to the general channel
oh my bad
@Mache I think i fixed it, your users shouldnt experience negative xp gain anymore and your gain shouldnt pause
ah Tysm ! 💚