
Vanguard not installing especially after uninstalling

Hey there, quite recently I have been receiving this dependency error issue. After uninstalling vanguard, it seemed to be continuing the same error and I have tried multiple methods such as running the program in administrator, downloading vanguard on another device and copying it over to my program files, deleting all related riot client and valorant files, reinstalling valorant multiple times, disable windows security anti-virus and firewall temporarily to try and install the riot vanguard service. The only things I want to avoid doing is reinstalling Windows and formatting any drives as I hold many important files and accounts on the Windows 10 computer and plus I don't fully own the computer so don't really have the full permission to do so.
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45 Replies
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Better to ask here if there is any other solutions before contacting player support team.
jpplol2mo ago
hey, launch a command prompt as admin and run these commands :
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk
once you've ran these commands, restart your pc, open the file explorer and go to C:\Program Files and delete the folder Riot Vanguard then, download vanguard setup file and run it : https://riot-client.secure.dyn.riotcdn.net/channels/public/rccontent/vanguard/ finally, look in your C:\Program Files folder if there is a Riot Vanguard folder, if there is try lauching valorant error might also come from a software installed on your pc
AbhimสŇyu2mo ago
dont run any setup just open the riot client again after uninstall it should work @ajcox_
ajcox_OP2mo ago
I'll have to check this out once I get home. I doubt this is the case, some people including me have uninstalled vanguard and trying to open riot client to install vanguard once again will then provide the dependency error and therefore no files of vanguard will be installed at all I'll still give it a try but I'll try this method first later.
AbhimสŇyu2mo ago
run these cmd in admin command prompt sc delete vgc sc delete vgk
ajcox_OP2mo ago
I'll let you know when I get home in a couple of hours.
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Trying to perform sc delete vgc or vgk on cmd with administration permissions does not work at all unfortunately and trying to find Riot Vanguard folder does not exist whatsoever. The vgc service doesn't exist anywhere and despite all of this, it's still producing the dependency error which therefore isn't allowing me to download the file there. When trying to run the setup.exe with non-admin perms or with admin permissions, nothing happens whatsoever so unfortunately nothing worked so far.
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
^ Any common softwares that may interfere with valorant or the installation process at least would you know?
Jidat2mo ago
Download auto runs from the system internal suite https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns When you have it open press file, and then run as administrator Then uncheck anything that is red or yellow Except Vanguard and anything that fails to be unchecked Restart your computer and then try the game again
Autoruns - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.
jpplol2mo ago
yes nothing should happen, you are supposed to have the Riot Vanguard file in your C:\Program Files directory (you can follow jidat's instructions too, he knows more than me)
ajcox_OP2mo ago
I understand I'm supposed to have the Riot Vanguard file but it is totally missing and the dependency error wouldn't allow me to reinstall all the files again no matter what and the setup.exe didn't seem to function either. Tried this, didn't work sadly.
jpplol2mo ago
open event viewer (search in windows search bar), open the Windows Logs tab then select the System option launch the setup.exe file and look for errors
jpplol2mo ago
you can also search in your %temp% folder (search in windows search bar) for any folders with names that start by 7z, open them and look for this (if any folders found)
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
Nothing found from %temp% files just yet and still no logs generated even when trying setup.exe multiple times. I'm still going to see if I can find any logs in a bit but just a question, even if I'm using a Windows 10 operating system and not Windows 11, would it be necessary to enable secure boot and would that partially be why I might be having problems or not really?
jpplol2mo ago
don't think so you can also look into the application option instead of the system option
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Doesn't seem like I'm getting logs from either system or application option unfortunately. Not a clue what's causing riot not wanting to install vanguard or even run the setup whatsoever.
jpplol2mo ago
do you have any other event that showed up (recent ones can be any) might be because the event viewer service is disabled
ajcox_OP2mo ago
I'll check this tomorrow and let you know, going to get some sleep for the next day. Yeah, there are definitely recent ones for sure so doesn't seem to be disabled and I doubt they're related to Valorant whatsoever even after looking through the specific detail of each log.
jpplol2mo ago
im pretty sure that any program that interferes with the vanguard setup would be reported as an error/warning in the event viewer, so any information event is useless
Jidat2mo ago
Press win+r Type sigverif Press enter Run the utility Show result when done
ajcox_OP2mo ago
That's the result.
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
Rare occasions this error occurs especially if I try running VALORANT.exe from 'C:\Riot Games\VALORANT'
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
and most commonly I do find this in the system event viewer error logs but I don't know if it's related to the vanguard issue right now. I wasn't sure if it was even necessary for Windows 10.
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
Holy crap I fixed the dependency error, what it took was for me to go into BIOS mode, switch from CSM mode to UEFI mode and it installed Vanguard and the dependency error isn't there anymore. However I'm receiving this error again so got to see what is that about but now instead of this looping, it managed to create a crash log instead of it going back to the same error.
Metamorphosis2mo ago
Open task manager > performance and show ss
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Alright seems like it ended up bringing back the dependency error not long after It downloaded but then things seemed to just break again so there's something definitely preventing it from whatever the hell is going on. 😭 I did switch to UEFI and secure boot to be on but I'll just go ahead, reinstall Valorant itself and then switch around in BIOS.
Jidat2mo ago
I actually never checked ur msinfo32 Press win+r Type msinfo32 Show ss
jpplol2mo ago
amazing good to know
ajcox_OP2mo ago
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
Came back though, gonna mess around with the bios settings again, see what happens and if I can get a crash report log out of it.
ajcox_OP2mo ago
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
Okay so switched to CSM and back into UEFI with secure boot interestingly, vanguard downloaded again when restarting and trying to load valorant, a crash dump error occured once again, the file of the crash report is in a .tmp file.
Metamorphosis2mo ago
For the critical error, check for gpu updates
ajcox_OP2mo ago
It's fully up to date already.
jpplol2mo ago
update your integrated graphics card driver too
ajcox_OP2mo ago
If that exists, I'll check. Doesn't exist, just the gpu only.
jpplol2mo ago
try updating your bios you shouldn't be having this
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jpplol2mo ago
and on later version Secure Boot factory keys got replaced which may solve your issue
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Updated my BIOS to the latest version (not the beta obviously) and sadly same result. What's weird is that the dependency error comes back if I delete vanguard. If I then go to my bios, switch to csm and then back to uefi with secure boot on at the same time, it downloads and requires a restart but then this crash dump error then returns. Although I'm actually glad you reminded me about the bios version, I forgot I haven't had it updated in 4 years.
Jidat2mo ago
Open task manager Performance Show ss
ajcox_OP2mo ago
Ignore Disk F:
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ajcox_OP2mo ago
That's just my USB connected just as I'm currently transferring files over Still not fixed atm, still open to any methods but I tried most before, I will check drivers again but pretty sure they're all up to date.
jpplol2mo ago
don't have any ideas unfortunately sorry
ajcox_OP2mo ago
for whatever reason, just randomly tried valorant today and it seems to work completely now. for now it's sorted, hope this doesn't come back again. this may be the case for some people as well where valorant might randomly start working again after a while
jpplol2mo ago
great to hear might be because of the new patches etc

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